Why has CCP turned nasty?

Tom Frazer
2 min readJul 11, 2021
CCP waited, and waited, until it is powerful enough. (Credit: hto2008 | Flickr)

Many blame CCP’s increasing aggression on Xi’s leadership. Not right.

Xi’s predecessor, Deng, who opened up China to the West famously said “hide your strength, bide your time”. But for what? For exactly the ‘China dream’ of ‘dominance’ that Xi champions today.

Clearly the underlying aggressiveness is shared by all CCP leaders. But why has the CCP suddenly become manifestly nasty NOW?

The answer is its economic strength.

When Deng was in power, the US GDP was almost 20 times that of China. Today the US lead is just about 30%. CCP is confident that it will soon overtake the US to dominate the world.

The dazzling and dangerous rise of CCP is ironically largely due to help from the West.

One of the prominent examples is Huawei, which is dominating the world’s 5G market. However, without the wholesale forced-technology transfers from practically all of the world’s leading telecom giants, Huawei would not exist today, or at best would be a minor niche player, even in the China market [1]

A similar example of technology grab is in the sector of high speed rail, where CCP backed players come to dominate the world market and actually threaten the economic existence of the very western companies which have been forced to transfer their advanced…



Tom Frazer

An enthusiast for history & civilization in China, but not the Party