Putin’s chemical weapon v.s. CCP’s Weibo post — which is more deadly?

Tom Frazer
4 min readJun 13, 2021
Kansai Airport, where the Weibo incident took place in 2018 (Photo: Luke Lai/flickr)

Putin sent a team of assassins to Salisbury, UK in March 2018 to hit a defected agent [1]. Their weapon was Novichok nerve agent A-234. In the same year, the CCP dealt its external opponent a fatal blow, by sending a Weibo post (equivalent to a tweet) from within China, literally.

As we know, Putin’s victims miraculously survived but the CCP’s victim did not.

The Weibo incident unfolded as Typhoon Jebi struck Osaka in early September 2018. An emergency was the evacuation of thousands of tourists stranded at the Kansai International Airport, which was built on a man-made island, now surrounded by the stormy sea.

The evacuation finished efficiently but a human storm broke out in nearby Taiwan, where hundreds of its tourists were, apparently, subjected to an humiliating experience during the evacuation. Taiwanese media accused the Taiwan consulate in Osaka of sending evacuation buses to the Airport later than the CCP’s consulate did. Furious headlines read “Taiwanese follow China bus,” and “To get on the bus, one has to pretend Chinese”[2].

This is an explosive topic for the Nation which has a tense relations with the CCP in mainland China, which pressures Taiwan to accept reunification. The pressure regularly escalates to intimidation as CCP war planes…



Tom Frazer

An enthusiast for history & civilization in China, but not the Party