Is CCP somewhat rooted in traditional Chinese culture?

Tom Frazer
7 min readJun 21, 2021
A place for meditation on benevolence amidst greenery and fresh mountain air (Credit: Toby Simkin/Flickr)

This is a question that has perplexed some of the most sharp-eyed experts on CCP and, has vital implications for effective strategy towards the CCP.

It is often claimed that the destructiveness of the CCP roots in both the communist ideology and a Confucian societal heritage. After all, the CCP’s Unrestricted Warfare on the West appears to have roots in the classic texts, e.g. the Art of War by Sun Tzu, dating back 2500 years [1].

As will be explained in the following, this claim is incorrect. The Confucian tradition is not only harmless to the world, it is positively beneficial to societies anywhere and most importantly in the context of the article, it is a potent threat to the CCP.

Lets begin by looking at a sea food incident in Los Angeles, where the Supreme Court convicted 45 people of over-harvesting wild sea-life, without licenses, from rock pools along the many beaches [2, 3]. Of the 45 charged, 43 were of mainland Chinese origin. None was from Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or any other Chinese territories, although they share the same keen taste for delicacies from the seas, and visit the lovely beaches just as enthusiastically.

The problem is, this is not an isolated incident of the frustrating, and at times outrageous, behaviours of mainland Chinese.



Tom Frazer

An enthusiast for history & civilization in China, but not the Party