Gender neutral — fair vision or fatal attraction

Tom Frazer
6 min readAug 3, 2021
warm light shining on NYC with love and hope for a blessed Nation
May the best days be still ahead for the great City of New York (Credit: flickr|Sam valadi)

At the G7 summit in Cornwall, June 2021, the British Prime Minister hit the headlines for using “gender neutral” to describe his vision for the world post Covid19 [1].

Boris Johnson is not alone in propagating that vision. The New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been actively promoting a similar policy ever since he took office in 2014.

1. A gender agenda

Has NYC changed for the better? Hardly! Last year, its unemployment rate rose to twice of the US average [2], its murder rate rose by 47% to 1980s’ levels [3], and 3.57 million New Yorkers moved out of the city, resulting in loss of income of $34bn [4].

Specifically about Mayor de Blasio’s progressive gender policy, lets take a look at a real story.

In 2015, the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) recruited a female firefighter who had repeatedly failed the essential physical fitness test. This was the first time in FDNY’s 150 year history that the standard has been dropped to allow someone to pass [5]. The news hit the headlines as firefighters, whose jobs are known to be team efforts, became worried and angry. “If there’s a weak link in the chain, either civilians or our members can die”, one said.

Why did the FDNY knowingly ignore the mortal dangers?



Tom Frazer

An enthusiast for history & civilization in China, but not the Party